Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Another Experience with Train the Trainer

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I just returned from the Train the Trainer in NJ. I took your advice and bowed out from the evening events to get some sleep. VERY glad I did.

By Wednesday I was starting to feel kind of drained from the 9am-7pm hours, and by Friday I was feeling exhausted. Am now suffering from a head cold and I thinking it was due to the seminar's grueling regiment.

As bad as I felt, I couldn't imagine how the other people were feeling who actually did attend the evening's events - they seemed tired and slap-happy.

As for cutting out on the nights, I couldn't believe how much static I received from people when they heard I wasn't going to do it. I had to hold my ground over and over again while being bombarded with what I like to call "Seminar Speak" - i.e., "What is holding you back from reaching your full potential?" or "Where else in your life do you make excuses? How you do one thing is how you do everything..." (which I think is bull-crap, btw).

I also didn't like Rob's style and by Wednesday night was very tired of being yelled at. He spoke often about how the seminar leader is managing the energy in the room, but he wasn't "managing" it as much as he was trying to "create" it, in my opinion.

By Friday morning, I was pretty upset that I had spent so much time and money. Yes, I learned a lot, and in the afternoon on Friday when they put all the pieces together and have you do your 30 minute seminar to a small group, I felt it was all worthwhile... but could have been done in 3 days instead of 5.

My 2 cents.

Posted by Gadzooks to Inside Peak Potentials Training at 12/05/2006 12:44:22 PM


At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear super trainer David Wood left Peak Potentials. His name was deleted from their web-site as a trainer also. Does anyone know why he quit? Was it the killer travel schedule and thus his inability to be with his family? Or was there a rift behind the scenes? Please post if you have any info on where David went to work or if he just decided to retire from training(which I doubt)?! He's too good!


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