Great advice from Lisa G
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Lisa said...
Wow...either the majority of the people on this site are easily persuaded or they have no balls whatsoever.
I just returned from the MMI and I loved it. Not only did I love it and learn ALOT, but I didnt spend a dime. The money manangement tools are excellent. Did I buy the jars? Hell no! Ive got plenty of jars at home. Geez, I havent even read the damn book yet and I probably wont. But I can tell you this, I came away with alot this weekend. I learned some very valuable lessons about my relationship with money. And sure I had to sit through a few sales pitches but I didnt mind. Dave Wood was an excellent facilitator and did his promotions with class.
Anyone who feels they have been deprived of breaks and sleep needs a reality check. This was easily the best seminar Ive EVER attended. I thought the length of the sessions and the breaks were quite reasonable.
Anyone who would complain about the sales pitches and the lack of sleep and who would use that as an excuse for being broken down to buy, seriously needs to get some spine. That is NOT how a Millionaire Mind works. If you were duped, then you are merely a fool who was easily seperated from his money. Lesson learned.
Lisa G.
Norwich, ON
I'm with you, Lisa.
Seems a lot of folks who are complaining on this site have missed the most basic lessons.
Talk about the mind frick taking you out! This web site is one long mind frick rant. Quite fascinating!
I didn't realize sleep deprivation was a sales tactic. When I saw people running to the back of the room at MMI to buy workshops, I just thought they must have tons of money they aren't particularly attached to.
I didn't buy a thing while I was there. I also didn't bring a credit card.
BIG TIP: don't bring a credit card and know that you can always get the sale prices on the phone.
I stayed for a lot of the selling in MMI because I was fascinated to see a master marketer in action. It was really something-- like watching a great athlete. I don't have that skill but it is interesting to watch someone do it well. When I got tired of the sales pitch, I just closed my eyes and meditated.
Eckhart Tolle says this interesting thing about "waiting". If you think you're waiting for something (traffic, a line up, an appointment) then you're not in the now-- the present moment, you're not here. When someone says to him "sorry I kept you waiting", he says "I wasn't waiting." He wasn't. He was being. If you can't handle sitting through this stuff, then you've got some major issues in your life. Show up. Reality is what you make it. Your response to a situation creates your reality or your experience-- not the situation. How you chose to react is the key. Did you learn that lesson, Inside Investigator? It is a powerful one.
I found half an hour of selling twice a day a bit much (though I did learn something each time) but I was at a free workshop that changed my life! Big whoop.
When I went to Warrior Camp, I was curious to see if there would be as much selling. There wasn't, I kept track. It was half an hour out of 70 hours! Not so bad. Guess what I did during that time? I went to pee!
More advice: Get a backbone. Pack a lunch. Don't think about peeing all the time and you won't have to go. Maybe, just maybe, all that focus on sleep, eating, peeing, maybe that's your ego trying to stop you from changing--taking you out of the experience. Umm, fear anyone? Wait a minute... didin't Harv say that in the first 15 minutes of MMI?
If you found MMI too difficult because of "sleep deprivation" and food breaks, then don't go to Warrior Camp. You won't be able to survive. Which is too bad. It was one of the most thrilling weeks of my life.
I did end up buying two other courses at this intro course. I signed up for Train the Trainer and Geurilla Business School with none of my own money. I haven't attended them yet, but I'm very excited. I'll be sure to let you guys know what I think.
For sale Millionaires school volumes I & II consisting of 24 and 23 cds. 5k worth of materials for $80. cd's are thanks
Buyer beware. I signed up for Guerrilla Business school and a couple of other courses. I have attended the other courses which were great and was set to attend Guerrilla Business School in March. I hit a problem with visa entry to the US and cannot attend that or any future courses. Peak would not refund my money and instead tried to charge me a further $500 to move my place to next year's Guerrilla Business School or palm me off with a set of CDs (considering the course cost $2k, I don't think CDs will do!!!!). Basically once you pay your money, after the 10 days cooling off period, you will never, under any circumstances, get a refund. I tried to talk to a supervisor to take the matter further, and the agent refused. It was not a satisfying experience at all, especially for a company who is supposed to be all about helping people. I feel let down and disappointed and seriously doubt I will buy anything from Peak in the future.
Be advised, there's a 3 day return policy on your Peaks purchases. This is apparently moved from a 10 day return in order to be "industry standard". There's a firm no refund after that and a $500 change fee.
Considering this organization is "all about helping you" I suggest you carefully consider their terms as a reflection of their priorities.
There was some good that came from my Millionaire Mind experience, but more bad. I was going through a difficult time and feeling low. I was the perfect candidate to be manipulated. I thought I was a strong clear minded decisive person, I found after sleep deprivation and techniques of "trusting and letting go" into emotional catharsis followed by "love bombing" and other Large Group Awareness Training techniques... my judgement wasn't working as it usually would.
I bought a course I couldn't afford (their answer was - what are you saying yes to? don't you want to be "better"? what will it take to find the money?)... now add in an outstanding "limited time offer".
I did want change. I made the mistake of thinking this was the way to it for me.
Other options could may be a recognized course... or counseling.
Next time I would think carefully about how I could use that money instead. Any "school" should have opportunities to research and ask questions later at your convenience with no limited time offer.
A good school is one that doesn't manipulate you for "your best interests".
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