Friday, May 05, 2006

Why is It So Hard to Find REAL Information on Peak Potentials?

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After (I wish it had been before) I had purchased seminars from Peak Potentials, I researched for information on them, and it was quite a dig. I was able to find a few fluffy feel good commentaries and blogs, as well as some negative commentary from people who left incredibly early in the MMI because it was just too freaky. Yet factual reviews from those who had been through the paid programs were very hard to come by. I discovered a few possible reasons for this:

20% Breakage
According to Peak Potentials, approximately 20% of the people who purchase seminars with them, do not even show up! They told us this was a typical breakage rate, but for programs that cost two grand on up, it seemed a bit odd too me. However, I did feel a desire myself to just not attend. I was a bit embarrassed by purchasing on such an impulse. I am the type of person who will wait 3 weeks for a coupon to show up in the paper before I will purchase a $50 item. Purchasing several $2000 programs in one weekend was more than a bit out of my character. This is just a theory, but I think those who are disappointed with the programs, or choose not to attend, are embarrassed and would rather forget the purchase.

The Pump and Dump
Peak Potentials does an excellent job in bringing you to a “level 10”, during their 3 to 6 days of high energy, sleep deprived training. Unfortunately, every single person I spoke with, this led to a week or more “crash” immediately following the program, plus a week or more of mild to moderate depression (more like a level 2). Once this whole roller coaster passed, they found their lives to be back to normal (not a level higher than before as promised), and they had pretty well forgotten about the program. I can’t lie; I did the same thing. I had to force myself to remember what happened, to write about it, when all I really wanted to do was get back to my old life. I felt it was too important to put some factual information out there, so others wouldn’t feel quite so lost.

Network Marketing aka "Ambassador Program" – This is a biggie!
Peak Potentials utilizes a huge network-marketing program to fill their seats. Just like other network marketing programs, the Peak Potentials Ambassador Program offers a 10% commission to those who “refer” other purchasing customers to their seminars. Peak Potentials does an excellent job in making this offer sound too easy and lucrative to pass up. Therefore, most of the feel good stories out there are people who want you to use their referral code to purchase things from Peak Potentials. This open to the public network-marketing scheme keeps their bad press down, and the number of promoters for their programs up.

Referral codes are passed on in three primary ways:

  1. Someone gives you their referral code directly
  2. Someone “gifts” you free tickets to the Millionaire Mind Intensive, with their referral code on it
  3. Someone “gifts” or sells you a “Secrets to the Millionaire Mind” book with their referral code in the back

Does the program work? I am unable to say for sure. I used a friend’s referral code upon purchasing from Peak Potentials, and to this day, my friend has not received a dime. I have spoken with a few other people who are signed up with Ambassador Program, who have made referrals or given away books, and not a penny was made by any of them. So obviously there are some holes in their program. I would love to hear how someone has made this program work for them. It must work effectively for some people.

The Ambassador Program is also a little trick Harv used to get his book on the best seller list. He sells people in his programs mass quantities of his books (or includes them as bonuses to his seminar packages) on the premise that they will make loads giving away the books with their referral code in the back. He doesn’t want people to sell them, as this would compete with their own book sales.

Like attracts Like
I was very surprised to find out how many network marketers attend Harv’s seminars. A large portion of the attendees are involved in network marketing, and thus take a great interest in Harv’s Ambassador Program. They know better than to put any negative press out there. It is all roses, health, wealth, and happiness, right?

Peak Potentials is highly involved with network marketing to get people to their seminars. Just like other network marketing programs the Peak Potentials Ambassador Program offers a 10% commission for everything purchased from your referrals. Peak Potentials gives you sign up sheets at every seminar so you can get free tickets to for the Millionaire Mind Evening automatically delivered to you to hand out. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind book packages are offered as either a free bonus with another purchase or at a quantity discount. The incentive is to be able to gift tickets or books with your referral number and make passive income. In essence, Peak Potentials uses network marketing in every way possible to get you to invite everyone you know to the Millionaire Mind program. Since people hang out with similar people this allows them to reach an targeted audience quite quickly.


At 10:15 AM, Blogger Dawn said...

You don't even put your name to your blog.

It's really a shame you have choosen not to get all you can out of the courses and camps.

Personally, as a multi-course grad and repeat volunteer I love Peaks. I am honored to serve as a volunteer.

To answer your post, I wrote to my own blog.

At 4:11 PM, Blogger Inside Investigator said...

Busted! It looks like another network marketer pumping up the Peak Potentials programs in order to gain money through the network-marketing (aka Ambassador) program. Readers please take note that the links to Peak Potentials at the bottom of Dawn’s blog (“share this journey”, “teleclass”, “evening class”) take you to registration pages for Peak Potential’s intro programs. Clicking through these from Dawn’s blog automatically registers her “Ambassador code” as your ticket number if you sign up. If you end up purchasing anything in the future with Peak Potentials, then Dawn gets paid. I commend Dawn for her bold network-marketing tactics and for being such a go-getter, although her motives in writing this long-winded praise of Peak Potentials should obviously be taken with a grain of salt.

If you had read my seminar review on the Millionaire Mind Intensive, you would have seen that I gave the MMI an A-. I found it to be a worthwhile program, and it did help me to recognize my own financial freedom, which was right in front of me all along. The primary reasons I would not attend it again are one, the length of time it takes up; and two, I have Harv’s book now, which is an extremely complete outline of the MMI with fewer sales pitches. Whenever I need a reminder, it is right there for me.

Also take notice; I did not “fail” any of the programs, as there was some merit to each. Unfortunately, I could not give them as high a score as the MMI because they offered less substance, lower quality, and a countless number of lead-ins and direct sales pitches in order to sell other programs (humongous back ends!). This was an escalated problem, since I paid thousands of dollars to attend these courses (the MMI was free), had to take a week off work each time (the MMI was over a long weekend), and had to cover travel expenses. I have found other books and programs in Harv’s area(s) of expertise that are far more effective, informational, and condensed.

If you do in fact know of these successful people, and it isn’t in fact a plug for peak potentials in order to earn money for you through their network-marketing program, then I am sincerely happy for them. I am sure that there are people who have been happy with Harv’s programs, especially prior to the release of his book. As mentioned, I have listened to the CD’s from Harv’s earlier programs, and they are full of fantastic information. Numerous people, who have been enrolled in Peak Potentials since prior to 2005, have told me that the course quality has dropped off dramatically. Although I was not fortunate enough to attend his prior courses, I would not hesitate to agree that there is dramatic room for improvement.

I remain anonymous so that I may continue documenting my experiences with Peak Potential’s programs. The information I write is based on facts, my experiences, and my opinions. I have nothing to gain from supplying this information. I wish only to give others some real life facts and experiences on the program, so that they may make a more educated decision on the programs (before they purchase) then I was able to. The response blogger obviously has a lot to gain by their response, since they have included links with their ambassador program information for people to sign up. I don’t know about you, but it is hard to trust the opinions of someone with ulterior motives.

I have had many successes in my life, and continue to grow and move forward. Sharing my experiences with others is a way to contribute and educate. I also plan to include books and programs on this site, which I find both useful and not so useful. But don’t worry, network-marketing is not in my future. I enjoy offering my own products and services to people; they are much easier to believe in!

At 4:49 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

Yes, it does go through my ambassador program, but I do NOT do it for the money. I only encourage those who feel a pull to sign up as it can be life changing. It is really sad you cannot see the bigger picture.

AND I notice you still aren't willing to fess up and put a NAME to your rantings. Sad really.

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Dr Deah said...

Thanks for your observations. They confirm suspicions I had when approached by a Millionaie Mind groupie. Having been through Werner Erhart's The Forum> I wasn't too interested in repeating another high pressure, low substance, voluntarily masochistic waste of my time. As a psychologist, I can confirm that many of the tactics used in seminars like these are outright brainwashing that fail to deliver when the glamour wears off. It's not much different from con artists preying on the elderly in deceptive phone sales. The key is to use people's desires to get something for as little as possible. It's psychological manipulation in it's best (worst!) capitalistic form.

At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Inside Investigator!

I'm heading to the MMI in Seattle, this weekend. As I always do (at least) a little research before attending/ involving myself in anything, I am grateful for coming across your blog. I found your experience to be spot-on with my expectations.

Thank you for taking the time, I appreciate your openness and 'objective opinion.' =)
Your analytical review and journalistic style will hopefully assist many in examining all sides of their interactions (and not just with Peak Potentials). It's unfortunate that the FACT that peak potentials is a CORPORATION will fall on many deaf ears... maybe these people can only believe what they see. (And should watch the movie 'The Corporation!') ;)

When I first met Harv I got this feeling... it's really hard to explain in words: he has amazing energy - - you just want to be around him, maybe in hope that some of it will rub off on you. So many people can feel the energy when it’s around them, but don’t know how to create the energy in their own lives. And Harv apparently does a poor job at helping people with this - - another customer service issue I gather. So it sounds like many people follow up with the seminars in an attempt to relive their high. (Sounds like “chasing the dragon” to me.) Unfortunately, ‘bringing you up to a 10’ is not something that is easy to maintain… it takes a lot of work and most people are looking for a quick fix: a ‘secret’ they can learn over a weekend, or for a few grand. Fortunately, most people (in first world countries) already have the answers and can easily obtain them. They truly do, just need to take action.

Harv also has this arrogance; like when he says, "whether or not you buy the book, it will not affect my standard of living." (More on this below…)

I've read the book and I'm looking forward to taking in the event with my husband and pulling some value out of the haystack! I'm not one to stop reading and do an exercise either, so the weekend will allow me to put the time aside to do them. My husband is a skeptic and is not a 'self-help' reader... so the intensive will 'force' him to examine his ‘beliefs/inaction' too.

As with every book, I have my criticisms, the book isn't perfect, no book is, and some of Harv's suggestions have to be modified for certain people and their priorities/ circumstances. But all-in-all Harv's book has found a place with other 'classics' which I refer to regularly.

For you critics out there, let me qualify my post with the following: I am very wealthy already, I do not need to attend the MMI for the 'money secrets'... my interest is more 'professional' than 'personal'.

As no one can truly separate themselves from their ‘work’, I try to use the 'personal' experience as part of my research... if you want to put a label on me, you can consider me a 'psychologist' too.

But I am first and foremost a person… so for the record, I've personally decided I'm not going to buy any additional seminars this weekend (although I'm very intrigued - - professionally - - by the 'Train the Trainer' after reading your review, II. One day I'd love to read more about what you found so 'VERY enlightening.') I know myself well enough to know that sleep and nutritional deprivation are my worst enemies...(there is a reason these are ‘the basics’ on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs) so let’s see if my snack and H2O arsenal will be enough to help me stick to my guns!

I do have a couple of additional red flags… A couple of criticisms, or shall I call them 'discrepancies' or 'contradictions'!?!

First, Harv is very good at laying out a very simple tidbit of information... but the information isn't new. Much of what he says in his book is reminiscent of Kiyosaki's (Rick Dad, Poor Dad) work; as well as other authors. Harv has simply assembled, organized and added 'personal' anecdotes and explanations to it. In fact his main premise can be summed up in the "The Essence of Destiny" blurb, by the makers of promotional/inspirational merchandise (available at which reads "Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny." I’ve had this ‘poster’ on my wall for nearly 10years now.

But isn't that the nature of things, we learn, we grow, we learn some more...
Just like science, where one scientist adds to the years of work that came before him/her... so do 'self-help' gurus, I guess.

All this is to say, YES Harv does provide value.

So, where’s my beef? If it’s not with Harv’s paraphrasing and elaborating?

I suppose I too have found other books and programs in Harv’s area(s) of expertise that have far more substance. (Maybe that is also their downfall? Are people today really that shallow?) I also find it disheartening that Harv is mentioned in the same sentence as Tony Robbins, et all.

Tony doesn't seem to have lost sight of his original vision... (Maybe it was Tony's slower ascent to 'fame'? ) Tony provides great suggestions for ‘bringing yourself to a “level 10” and maintaining the energy. Tony’s ‘Get the Edge’ program has great suggestions, but again people think they are too simple and don’t follow them!

Harv on the other hand seems to be a walking, talking contradiction. He is controlling the very “Wealth File” he promotes in his book to persuade MMI attendees to purchase additional seminars at his events. I am referencing “Wealth File #10 – Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers.”

He knows full well that the ‘poor people’ who attend his event for free will not feel ‘worthy’. They believe they are ‘taking’ without ‘giving anything back.’ Harv is playing on your psychological need for balance - an eye for an eye. Don’t discount yourself! You are giving 3 days of your time! You don’t have to buy a seminar to ‘create balance’! Independence is a myth; equality is not something that humans can quantify, there are too many factors. We are all dependent/ connected: we share the same sun, water, air…
Harv says, “Nature is totally abundant but not discriminating… exactly the way it works with money. There’s plenty of it…” And Harv seems to have enough of it now, as ‘He doesn’t care if we buy the book or not!’ =)

One might also argue that he exploits “Wealth File #6 – Rich people admire other rich and successful people. Poor people resent rich and successful people.” When he tells us we can make a purchase without lining his pockets further, some of us ‘poor people’ might not dislike him as much… and buy his book, while thinking “I’m just one person, what difference will it make really?!?”

Finally, I am disgusted that Harv has become so greedy he no longer upholds his original pillars: (1) that no one should go into debt to attend any of his seminars. (2) that each of us has the answers within us, and we alone can make our success happen.

- - As II and others have said, the money dance, Ch-ing! of the register and the promotion of plastic are disturbing. Get the book from the library, do the exercises or buy the book and attend the MMI if you want (for free). If you dont have the money now, leave the plastic at home!

- - Every ‘self-help’ Guru says this in their own way. Harv say’s “The number one reason most people don’t get what they want is that they don’t know what they want.”
People are too busy watching the next episode of LOST (such an appropriate title for the state of our society), downloading music for their new iPod, or slogging away at a job they HATE to buy the new wardrobe, car, boat, house… that they don’t ever stop to examine themselves. I applaud Peak Potentials and any other group out there for ‘enabling’ people to take some time out of their life and ‘think’! HOWEVER, more seminars or coaching is not going to ‘fix’ the problem.

Harv has accomplished so much. Yet, his sales tactics now seem to be taking advantage of the same people he was trying to help!

You ‘poor people’ out there, ask yourself this: if you aren’t willing to dedicate the next year, maybe 2 years of your life to financial freedom then you will never ‘get it’. Buy another lottery ticket or go to the casino instead!

I said earlier that each of us already know the answers and have access to them.
But you probably want me to spell them out for you, right?

Well here they are! Summed up in two sentences, for FREE! There are books, tapes and movies on these secrets… yet most people find them ‘too simple’ and so they don’t follow them.

What’s the secret to energy?
“Eat only foods that were available 100 years ago; exercise; read something educational/inspirational; and reward your successes, everyday.”

What’s the secret to wealth?
“Know yourself, focus on what is important to you (priorities) and do what you love!”
That’s it.

Now you’ve got the secrets, what are you going to do with them?

At 11:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You noted that many people experience a 'crash' and then depression and then a return to their old lifestyle.

I experienced the complete opposite - the Millionaire Mind High. Everything in my life that I tackled after the program was a snap, even when my bank account got suspended, I had to plan and then move to Vancouver, and deal with some very tough family issues. My experience is that I read parts of the journal I kept during the conference at night and did the declarations every day.

To keep the energy with you, it simply takes a few minutes a day to refresh your mind with the materials each course gives you. The point of any Peaks course is to teach specific skill sets and provide massive support and motivation.

What happens beyond the course doors is entirely up to each and every individual. If you drop your energy, or slip back into old disempowering habits - it's your choice, and your lesson to learn. It really could only take a few minutes right now, this day to step back into a level 10!

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks. This blog was very useful and struck me as having considerbale objectivity. Appreciate you taking the time.

At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inside Investigator,

Any feedback/notes on "Guerilla Business School"?

"Curious & Going to GBS in LA - April 1-5"

At 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You get waht you put into it. We all have a choice, free will.

At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you...I found your comments quite unbiased. I just completed the MMI and yes, found it quite useful but I wasn't sure about the Millionaire School I was enticed to sign up for. I have come to the conclusion from your comments and from speaking with others who have taken various seminars and a past volunteer that although I'm sure there will be some substance shared, I am going to hold on to my $2,000 and spend it on books, other seminars, perhaps a personal investment counselor and there should be $1000 left to put into my FFA fund. Thank you for saving my pocketbook.

I agree the MMI is great and everyone should attend. I like how Harv addresses the emotional side of money that probably is not addressed by others. I'm sure many who become so dazzeled by his presence have not taken the initiative to do much exploration of themselves so while thinking they were attending strictly a financial seminar instead received a life vision adjustment. That alone would be worth the $97 he is going to start charging. If you are willing to look at yourself and do the exercises, it is an absolute that anyone can benefit from the insights you'll receive. But my many years of life in the business world and experiencing other seminars allowed my to see the "hype" beneath the presentation. It was quite evident from the beginning that Peak Potentials is the biggest example of "passive income" and we were all a part of supporting it. This is why I thought it best to do some investigation.

To those who are so bent out of shape about not knowing who you are, what difference does it make? What if you gave a fake name? Does it matter, the name attached to the comments? Are you going to look him up and make sure he attended? If the comments weren't so even tempered... you gave credit where credit was due and exposed the shortcomings.

Your comments: "I have found other books and programs in Harv’s area(s) of expertise that are far more effective, informational, and condensed." Please, please post the list. Help those of us who are wading thru the mountain of investment books.

I will give Harv $500 to attend - do you think he might "negotiate" for that amount?

At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you to all who have experienced this and posted their truth...I attended the MM 3 hr intro this evening in Lauderdale. Ofcourse, i found out about this from a seasoned network marketer who is trying to turn me onto a new company she just got into. While I did learn some things, I noticed the sheer manipulation at the end of the evening and the fear tactics used. Wow. I'm SO thankful that I've had experiences where I was duped in the past by a bigtime NLP practioner in a network marketing company who used similiar practices. I give my SINCERE THANKS to those of you who have posted your truths here for the innocent people who come along and are swept into the currents. WAtch the TAKE AWAY at the end of the evening, where they literally lock you in the room...saying that "if you walk out now, you'll have to pay 1295 for the seminar." Then they try to sell you premium seats "the energy is stronger in the front of the room". But "seats are limited to only the first 17" the people start running to the table then after they get there he says and "you get the special premium seating for 397 dollars!!"...I was like glad I didn't get sucked in to that one. Again, b/c of my experience in the past, I saw this manipulation CLEAR AS DAY and was able to walk out without feeling panicked, like I was missing out. It was interesting to see how people do get swept up...yes, you might learn a thing or two, but KEEP YOUR HEAD ON STRAIGHT...that's all I can say. Good luck to all. Thanks Inside're awesome to expose that one!

At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Dawn. If you would spend half the time you do bashing people and actually doing something productive maybe that void in your life my be filled - aka happiness

At 2:19 PM, Blogger Inside Investigator said...

Dear Anonymous,

This blog is not trying to bash anyone, it is just about presenting an objective opinion to get the facts out so people can make an educated decision on a commitment that requires a large amount of time and money.

Thank you for the comment.

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just the networking and the people you meet at this seminars can bring you life-long friends who are in the same position as you are.

At 5:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am Marie-lou from Switzerland. I just read the book. I liked what Harw wrote and I intented to visit his courses. But your comments have convendid me....I am not going to attend them....but I will follow the suggestions in the book.
Thanks for your comments.

At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great thread,
interesting to read.
It is great to see an objective points of view as some have noted.

I am a young entrepreneur with a growing business.

I am also a teacher at a prominent art and design college which I also attended. I have been teaching for the better part of 6 years.

My personal mission is
" To help those around me thrive in business and life by providing friendship, support and education. Leading by example in business, health and lifestyle."

I personally have used many of the same techniques with my students, including pressure tactics and "call and response". All in a respectful and energetic way.
This is previously to attending MMI. I learned most of it because my family is heavily involved in education, my mother was a teacher and my father was a minister/pastor.

I always have 2-3 people drop my class the first day, when I ask for a full commitment etc etc. That is 10% of the class. The class is very intense and at a very intense university. (ranked number 2 in its field by US News)
In addition the students pay over $120,000 for two and a half years. at par with 4 years at Harvard.
Also what I teach isn't "new", I acquired and adapted the curriculum from a colleague and modified it to fit my style and my goals for the class.

Question: Is it still ethical to be teaching these students information that I did not completely come up with and is available in books - which I give a list of - because it is at an accredited college?

Regardless my course evaluations filled in by the students, have never been short of "Rock Star!", "JC is one of best teachers I have had here..." Etc.

Keep up the blog.

At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DR. Deah was very accurate and concise of how misleading, dishonest, psychologically manipulative T. Harv Eker and the Peak Potential organizatio's staff and philosphy is. I say this from experience as both a participant and ex-paid employee of PPT. I have met Harv more than a few times. I never trusted him, I did like the people I worked with.


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