Friday, May 05, 2006

Dr Deah's Perspective

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Dr Deah said...
Thanks for your observations. They confirm suspicions I had when approached by a
Millionaie Mind groupie. Having been through Werner Erhart's The Forum> I
wasn't too interested in repeating another high pressure, low substance,
voluntarily masochistic waste of my time. As a psychologist, I can confirm that
many of the tactics used in seminars like these are outright brainwashing that
fail to deliver when the glamour wears off. It's not much different from con
artists preying on the elderly in deceptive phone sales. The key is to use
people's desires to get something for as little as possible. It's psychological
manipulation in it's best (worst!) capitalistic form.


At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Intersting perspective, Dr Deah.

Can you expand on the brainwashing techniques? I've attended two workshops (one I paid for and one I didn't). If I'm being brainwashed without my knowledge, then I'm very concerned.

To be honest, things have been going very well in my personal and financial life since the first workshop nine months ago. I didn't immediately pay for the second workshop. I waited for a six months then paid a week before the course, also got the special price. Anyhow, I'm not a workshop junkie like some people have mentioned, so this stuff is all very new to me.

Anyhow, I haven't noticed anything seriously wrong and I haven't been told by friends or family that I've changed (other than a positive attitude that was never around before). I wouldn't know how to recognize the effects of brainwashing though... I'm not really acting like Patti Hearst or anything. I don't think.

If you could give some tips on how to un-brainwash ourselves, that would be helpful. I'll be more careful next time. Thanks for you knowledge and insight.

At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just attended the MMI in L.A. I have to agree with Dr. Deah. Between the hypnotherapy, the neuro-linguistic programming, the Zen, and other "mind games," my head felt cloudy for almost a week after it was over. The intense non-stop selling was at times unbearable. I felt completely mentally and emotionally manipulated throughout a lot of the workshop. Yes, there are definitely positive aspects of going. The seminar itself did not cost more than the hotel room, gas, and food. The best thing I learned was the money management technique and about the "FFA" (Financial Freedom Account). However, by the time it was over, it is a wonder my hand wasn't broken. Every three or four minutes, we are instructed to turn to the person next to you or to four or five people, give them a high-five, and tell them, "You have a millionaire mind," or "You are amazing!" All the slapping and repetition was getting to me, not to mention it was the hottest weekend of the year in L.A., and the Hilton was having electrical problems. It seems that any negative feedback on the seminars is quashed. It's like they have a team of professional hackers or watchers who either delete anything that is unflattering or who write e-mails like this anonymous person's response to Dr. Deah. If they didn't know they were being brainwashed, then I feel sorry for them. It's all day long, every day. They are throwing in sales pitches even when they are not doing the long-stretch, high-intensity sales pitches before every break. They sell, sell, sell throughout the entire course. However, the brainwashing is the hypnotherapy, the NLP, the Zen, and other mind/emotion control techniques employed.

At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Harv himself tells you he is going to hypnotize you into becoming wealthy and that he is going to brainwash you. He says it several times over the course of the weekend and then he does it. He says there is nothing wrong with a little brainwashing (word for word, no joke).


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