Seminar - Millionaire Mind Intensive
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Overall Seminar Rating: A - Staff
Who Should Attend: Just about anyone
Would I Attend Again: No. For myself, an initial attendance of the seminar is enough. Harv’s book is a complete summary of the program, which I have used for review.
Cost: In Dollars, Free, but it does take a lot of time in the program itself and in re-coup.
What Is It?
The Millionaire Mind Intensive is a 3-day free seminar put on by Peak Potentials Training. The primary purpose of the seminar is as a lead in to their other product and seminar sales. However, the content does provide financial awareness and tools to creating wealth and life balance. You can expect between 1000 and 3000 people in attendance, depending on the location.
To Sum It Up
They start the Millionaire Mind Intensive with just a little too much hype, in my opinion. It was a little overwhelming... okay it was downright freaky! I contemplated leaving after the first ten minutes, but I stuck it out, and I am very glad I did. Although the program periodically reverted back to evangelical tendencies, the substance of the material being offered was fantastic. This program pretty much follows Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind book to the letter. In fact, it doesn't matter who is actually speaking, the same stories and examples are used. The primary bonus of the Intensive is that they take you through numerous exercises in order to really hit home with the lessons. It is a much more interactive approach, and may be useful for those who find taking action on their finances a bit challenging.
The Millionaire Mind Intensive is focused on identifying your beliefs about money and wealth, deconstructing them, and then reconstructing them to move you towards financial freedom. Financial freedom can be defined many ways, but the way I would describe it is having a "principle" invested (in businesses, stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.) that produces enough monthly income / cash flow for you to live off of. Thus, you never HAVE to work again. You work because you choose to.
I have always been financially stable. I am a "saver". Although I have never had to worry much about money, I felt as though I really wasn't going anywhere, and I certainly wasn't rich. When I returned from the Millionaire Mind Intensive, I implemented the strategies they recommended. Within three months I was financially free! For myself, the money was already there, I just didn’t know how to make it work for me. Others may need to build the wealth as well, not a problem. I believe their program is very helpful for spenders, savers, and people who just don't even want to look at money.
Now, there are a few areas that I believe deserve some special attention.
They use a lot of scarcity, deep discounting, and at-seminar pricing to try to sell you on their other seminars. Come on you really didn't think you could go to a free seminar without a bunch of upsales, did you? Just keep a few things in mind...
The Millionaire Mind Intensive, at least the one I attended, really did appear to run seamlessly. Although I am not a proponent of using volunteers in a profit-turning corporation, it looked as though the volunteers were used in a reasonable capacity. It was always easy to find a staff member or volunteer on hand to assist you, however, don't expect them to have the answer to your questions. They were all quite nice, and tried to be helpful, but in general there always seemed to be a lack of knowledge about...well...just about everything that had to do with the seminar and Peak Potentials. What time do we have to be back from lunch? How long is the seminar? What will the seminar entail? Do you have any other payment options? Almost every question was met with a "let me go find someone who can answer that for you". It was also odd to me that almost every staff member and volunteer that I spoke with had not even attended any of the other seminars! Thus, this blog has been created to answer a few of your questions.
They are not kidding when they say "intensive". Aside from brief lunch and dinner breaks, you are there all day from early in the morning until very late at night. I believe one of the days ran from 7am to 11pm. If you can, schedule to take the morning off after the seminar in order to catch up on your sleep a bit, and to give you time to process everything. You are let go for the meal breaks, and will need to find food in the surrounding area. Be sure to bring snacks and some water with you just in case. Every two to four hours they do give you a break for either 15 minutes, or for about an hour and a half for lunch and dinner. The substance of the program involved "lecture" style lessons intermixed with audience participation, group and individual exercises, and sales pitches. The sales pitches always came just before a break. This allows you the time to purchase the seminar or product they were selling immediately following the sales pitch. If you aren't that interested in what they are selling, the beginning of the sales pitch is a safe cue that a break is arriving, and you may be able to escape a bit early.
Let Go a Little
I am a skeptic, and was very concerned about their tactics. My guard was constantly up. Aside from trying to sell you on all of their seminars, their tactics are fairly benign. Don't be afraid to get involved in the lessons, and just have fun with it, even if it does seem a little (or a lot) hokey. Create a rule, or budget, with yourself before attending on how much you will allow yourself to spend, or if you won’t be spending anything at all. If you hold fast to this rule, you can enjoy the program and ignore the pressure.
Taking Home the Lessons
I do recommend that you attend the seminar with a loved one, a friend, or a roommate. It really helps to have those closest to you share the same understandings about money, wealth, and how to become financially free. I went with my spouse, and we are now both on the same financial page. After the intensive, make sure you spend some time talking about what lessons you took from it. Now this is the kicker, you must take action right away to set up your financial plan... and stick to it! At first, we though we were different. Harv Eker's lessons were useful, but there is no way that some of his suggestions would work for us. I was wrong. Use his "jar" system, but modify it work for you. Eventually you may change it, but it is an excellent way to get you on track, and to help to immediately implement some of the lessons you have learned. I manage my "jars" in QuickBooks, this works more efficiently for me. I have spoken with many people who feebly put the "jar" system into play, but didn't follow it. They have gone absolutely nowhere since the intensive! Don't just go home and go back to your old routine once the hype of the seminar wears off, do something!
If your kids are making money in any way, this seminar could be a very useful money management starter for them as well. There were many teenagers and people in their early twenties at the seminar.
Follow-up – Life After the Millionaire Mind Intensive
Harv gave everyone a workbook to take home and use for 90 days, comprised of declarations and simple daily to do’s. The workbook activities take only about 10 min per day. In addition, he urged everyone to try out the “jar system”. Both of these programs cost you nothing. So, how many people did something with it? I followed the workbook for approximately 60 days, and then moved into my own daily program. I did follow the jar system, but have since modified it to fit better into my financial portfolio. I can say that my financial organization has gone up a notch, I have opened my mind up to investing, and I have created my financial freedom. I am the type of personality that really sticks with things though, and I have no problem in following a structure. To get a more realistic picture of the effectiveness of Harv’s program, I spoke with about 20 other individuals who went through Harv’s MMI. Most were people who were pleased enough with the MMI to purchase other seminars from Peak Potentials. The results? Not one of them managed to stick with the 10 minute a day workbook for more than a month, and not one of them had figured out how to implement the jar system into their life effectively. They were each excited by the concepts, but went home after the MMI, caught up on some sleep, and quickly fell back into their daily routine. Not one of them has become financially free since the program. Hmmm….
It seems to me "Inside Investigator " who wrote the articles has lack in hs own financial blueprint!
I must say all the articles written, was by a broke persons mentality!
Yes Peak Potentials do promote alot and sell alot, but then again dont we all, you sell everyday to your friends and family if it be a good movie or a restuarant.
Oh yes, and "Inside Investigator" has no clue on what Network Marketing is, wake up and get your facts straight! its far from Network Marketing, Peak Potentials runs an affiliate program.
Network marketing is far more in depth & well structured out.
Network Marketing is a business development opportunity for individuals to create a business of their own, by building a network of disttributors through which a company's product or service makes its way to the final comsumer.
See the difference ! One cannot have their own distributors in Peak Potentials to help you promote their services, causee it does not exsist, one can only refer people you know.
In order to be successful one has to promote and sell, but make sure what you promote and sell is of good value to the customer, and this is what Harv does to his courses!
I personally have attended the MMI and have had massive growth since then, its all about taking ACTION!
There are many seminar junkies out there that go to many seminars for more knowledge, but the sad thing is , is that they do not apply this knowledge and take action on it! and this is where the difference is made.
Knowledge is NOT power - unrewarded genius is almost a proverb
Knowledge PLUS Action is POWER
Some Action = Some Results
Consistent Action =Consistent Results
ALL Out Massive Action = Financial Freedom
See the difference!
Good luck to "Inside Investigator" on his road to financial freedom ! cause with this sort of mentality he is not going to get very far!
To those of you attending Peak potentials trainings, GO FOR TI! you will learn and grow in a BIG way, but TAKE ACTION !
Thanks for taking the time to post this information. I attended the MMI 3-day intensive last weekend, and although I didn't sign up for any of the additional seminars, I was curious about the warrior traning and the millionaire seminar.
For the benefit of anyone interested in attending the 3-day intensive, I found it very worthwhile. While some of the complaints about 'filler' and the heavy duty sales pitch are valid, they seemed fine in light of the free seminar. I also met a lot of great people and made some new friends that I am sure I will keep in touch with.
As far as the exercises, I reluctantly joined in many of them, and was pleasantly surprised how much I got out of them.
My recommendation to anyone who wants to attend is to go with the flow, participate fully in the exercises, and think of it as a 3 day investment in your own financial journey...and ignore all the other stuff that goes along with the seminar.
There were just a few other things that bothered me that weren't mentioned in this post that I thought I would include:
- I was very bothered at not being able to get an agenda or any kind of schedule. They won't tell you what time anything begins/ends/breaks, so it is very difficult to plan. I did signup late (the night before) and never received anything - so I wasn't even aware that the sessions went until 11:00pm every night.
- very long sessions: most of the sessions are very long. Although each segment during the day (morning , afternoon and evening) offered at least one strong excercise, there was a lot of other fluff and I found it very hard to sit for that long. Lunch breaks were very late (starting at 1-1:30 in the afternoon) Dinner breaks started after 7 every night.
- I like the 'jar system' and have already started to implement it, but I found the '10% education jar' to be very self-serving since they are selling seminars. I also noticed that they almost discouraged basic 'financial foundation' advice like saving and budgeting.- those words were never mentioned.
- book vs seminar - i bought the book on amazon and didn't recieve it before i attended the seminar, but i am glad i attended the seminar rather than read the book first. I think for me, actually doing the exercises (rather than reading) had a big impact. I have read many financial books in the past with similar suggestions, but felt that I was able to have a much more profound experience by doing the exersizes in the training.
- one red flag for me that they are kind of scamming people - especially network marketers - they were offering 'bulk discounts' to those who bought multiple copies of Secrets of the Millionaire mind. These discounts, like everything else, were positioned as exclusive 'At seminar specials' The price for 1 book was $20, 2-9 books $19, etc. The best price was $15 for people who bought more than 50 books (presumably network marketers that would 'gift'the books with free seminar coupons). Meanwhile, I bought my book on for $12.95.
Thanks again for the blog. All good information.
I would be really curious to follow up and find out if any amassadors have actually made any money. Anyone?
I just got back from attending the MMI. I liked the book a lot and was very excited about the seminar.
I thought the MMI 3 day seminar was worth it. I got a lot out of it and it really helped me figure out why I kept sabotaging myself in business so to me I'm very glad I went.
Having said that, there are some things about it that I didn't like.
I felt like I was in grade school. The speakers treated everyone like they were stupid. They talked to the audience like we were children. An example, "Everyone take out your green sheets now. What color are we going to take out?" I decided I would just go with the flow so I did all the dancing and yelling and so forth but I wasn't crazy about being treated like a child.
Another thing I didn't like was how hard core the sales pitches by Harv were. It was a free seminar so I fully expected there to be some sales pitches but Harv seemed really desperate about getting people to sign up. The other trainer did the party line and the sales pitches, while annoying and a bit long were still within the realm of being okay.
They were a combination of high pressure sales and shaming. Much like George Bush framed the Iraq war "If you aren't for the war, you are against America." Harv framed the sales as "If you don't attend another seminar, you aren't interested in having money and you will always be broke."
The first two days I thought the selling was intense but was okay because it was part of the deal and to be expected when attending a free seminar. Harv's selling on the 3rd day was completely out of control.
His pitches were WAY over the edge.
Before lunch, Harv basically yelled at everyone for over an hour and a half to try to bully them into signing up for Quantum Leap.
We had already heard the sales pitches the previous two days so the tolerance for pitching was wearing thin by that point anyway, but Harv was like a crazy man - totally desperate to get the sales. It was right before lunch and people were hungry and resentful that he was going on and on and on with his bullying-shaming pitch. The whole mood of the room seemed to change and turn against him but he just kept going and going and going.
I think he really turned off a lot of people at that point. I know everyone around me was pretty irritated.
I felt that if he didn't need the money like he said since he's so rich why was he so incredibly desperate to get people to sign up? He just reeked of desperation. It was kind of sickening to see.
After the lunch break, he was really angry about something. It was like he hated the audience because enough people didn't sign up for Quantum Leap or something and he was quite mean. I've never seen a seminar leader ever act like that before and on the heels of his desperate 'selling' I lost all respect for him.
I signed up for a couple of classes before then but his 'selling' and attitude turned me off so bad I cancelled them. I figured if he was that desperate for money the other 'classes' would just be sales pitches and so a waste of my time. From a reading of the few legitimate reviews I could find on the internet it looks like a good move on my part since some of the classes don't seem to be all they were made out to be.
Basically, Harv talks the talk but in my opinion he doesn't walk the walk. The Millionaire Mind Intensive was worth it and I'm really glad I went and I do recommend it but I won't be going to other classes with them because I think Harv revealed his true colors. He is all about making money under the guise of helping people but it seems he could really care less about helping them. He just wants their money.
He reminded me of a scummy preacher who preaches religion but then lives in a fancy mansion and has a bunch of hookers on the side. He talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk.
Thanks for the insider post/s regarding MMI. I have read the book several times, listened to the audio, but I've never been to the seminar and it was certainly on my "to do" list.
After reading your review I feel confident crossing it off my list--as it doesn't appeal to me. I simply don't care for, or want, the high-pressure sales pitch.
While your review certainly doesn't come across as negative--I am thankful for knowing full-well what it's really about before attending. I was so "high" on Harv and what I've learned from him so far that I wanted to attend the seminars.. to learn and grow even more. But I certainly suspected there was a big sales pitch(es) involved.
Ironically what's turned me off with Peak Potentials is having tried some things through them and being dissillusioned. The "free" teleseminars, and most recently the Life Coaching--for $200/month--and dumping it a couple months later. Completee waste of money. From there I started looking at things "related to" Harv a lot more skeptically. In fact, there's a book called "Secrets of Financial Freedom" I had ordered just this week--which runs $25 at Amazon. Well, it was JUNK, and I've summarily returned it. But I notice that a LOT of things leech off Harv's stuff--which wouldn't be necessarily bad. But they have had ZERO ROI for me--and I suspect quite a few others.
But anyhow, thanks for the review. I really appreciate the honesty.
Harv is amazing! His teaching style is simply the best. He teaches from his heart and leads the way to financial freedom. My suggestion is to consider attending a few of the courses before turning away.
I also went to the MMI in NJ last year. It was well worth my time. Having said that, I would warn everyone to leave your credit cards and money at home. Just bring 20 bucks each day for lunch, as there will be a lot of hard sale, and you WILL fall for them.
I signed up for Never Work Again for $1,700. Nothing was offered until just last Friday, for a class in dec 2 (a year and a half later) and in california. If you try to call customer service, good luck in getting to a live person. I tried to send an email, and no one answered for two days. I finally got through to someone this morning, and this guy was rude and clueless, and all he did was ask me to leave a message so a course counselor can call me back. Also, if I don't attend this course, he said there will be a $300 transfer fee to take the next years course!!
Overall, Harv puts on a great show at MMI and you will learn from him. So I do recommend it. I also highly recommend his book. But his backoffice sucks, customer service sucks, and once you paid for any one of his courses consider the money gone. Don't fall for the sale pressure, and there will be many opportunities for you to take these courses.
You are bang on with your comments. I just attended the MMI a week ago and for the most part it was pretty good. Do you know anything about the seminar "Never Work Again?
Ontario, Canada
I think this is a fair and accurate summary of the event. Each person will take something different from the program, but I think everyone can learn something. We are all adults and can choose what to act on and not what to act on, so come prepared to be pushed a little but knowing it can benefit you.
I agree, you can always learn something. I learned the most valuable lesson from a advertising and marketing consultant. He said, when you stop learning, you are digressing. As long as you are learning new things, you are improving. The minute you stop being students, you begin to plummet.
Although it seems as though the review was objective, it really felt as though the author didn't get a lot from the training because he was focusing too much on SERIOUSLY UNNECESSARY MINOR DETAILS.
AT THE END OF THE DAY, THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE WHO ATTEND THE SEMINAR AND THEY GET NOTHING FROM IT...THEN THERE ARE SOME WHO ACHIEVE SO MUCH AFTER. OUR SUCCESS IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY. Attending a seminar, whether it's T. Harv Eker's or not, wont ever make anyone rich right after. OUR SUCCESS IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY, ITS AN EVERY DAY CHOICE, ITS A DECISION. AND YES IT ALL BOILS DOWN TO ACTION, AND NOT JUST ANY ACTION BUT MASSIVE ACTION. The purpose of the seminar is to make people aware of certain mindsets that affects their results in life--and I think the seminar is vey successful because it did just that. The ball's on our court after attending the seminar--it's up to is if we'll create wealth out of what we've learned or not.
Every single one of these Peak Potential events (even the free ones) has a tone similar to the guy who rolls up in a horse drawn wagon peddling bottles of vinegar and molasses, claiming it to be the elixir of life.
I encourage anyone who receives a 'free ticket' to an MMI seminar to PLEASE attend. You won't know what I mean unless you do.
While you sit in that chair listening to that guy on the stage, remember that EVERY WORD that leaves his lips, he's paid VERY WELL for.
While you sit there, keep in mind that they WILL make a move for your money. They WILL attempt to tell you that your only option is to fork over 4 figures in cash.
And when they do, keep in mind that they haven't a single product in their line-up that justifies the exorbitant price tag, despite what they may think.
Hey Harv... I have a message for you. F**K YOU.
Oh my god! I attended the MMI in London this last weekend. What a scary event. The goal is to intimidate and manipulate as many desperate poor members of the audience and have them cash up $12,000 for the "essential" Quantum Leap program.
I was watching the event objectively, trying to study humanity. After watching this MMI, it is no longer a surprise to me that dictators manage to come to power.
It's not even clear what company made Harv wealthy. Why not? Why will he not share that information? My guess is because he did not become wealthy by selling his company, which he claims. My guess is that these manipulative events made him wealthy.
If you have a slight level of intelligence and are resourceful to some degree, I can guarantee that you will be able to learn MORE on how to grow a successful business than what you will learn in his Quantum Leap course.
Ripping off poor desperate naive people is what Harv and his staff is about.
Moreover, it seems as if Harv himself posts counter comments to negative feedback on his seminars. It's quite obvious. He uses the same language, tone and overall manipulative strategy. It's easy to recognize.
I would say this is only a hype. I don't really know. I haven't read much about this. I didn't know anyone who joined. Many says its true, a lot says its a scam. There are plenty of post regarding millionairemindevents and their success story but I really don't know what to believe with all these inconsistent reviews!
I just have to chip in here for my 2 cents.
I've been to MMI after the encouragement of my brother who went. I must say that when I went I did not take action; I also did not follow the 90 day program for more than 60 days. As a result, I didn't move forward to achieve what I'm capable of. That is all *me* that is my fault.
On the other hand, my brother did do the program to the letter, and he did take massive action outside of the course; he also went to the Enlightened Warrior Training. 5 years later, he has a HUGE net worth, an 11,000 sqft house, just bought himself a Maserati, owns a 1500 hectare hunting ranch, was featured in INC. magazine and has grown tremendously. I... have a job; my personal income *is* more than 50% higher than the average family income, but it's a J.O.B and I do live, Just Over Broke.
What's the difference? He took massive action and followed the program. I did not. That's not Harv's fault or Rob's fault or anyone's fault but mine.
BTW: I'm posting this anonymously b/c I don't think my brother would appreciate me posting this to the world.
P.S. In no way am I affiliated with Peak Potentials or any related company. I'm just a guy who went to the MMI and has the benefit of hind sight.
There is no doubt the information taught works - most of the information is borrowed from other authors and other seminars. If you look deep enough into the "man" he has quite a questionable character. Millions of dollars duped from people on land investment delas, an Australian ATM scam and according to some tax filings, he is not very wealthy. Just a good con man. Be careful not to invest in any deals sold from their business and wealth seminars. Its like a vacuum. They keep sucking money out of you. Read David Bains Vancouver Sun and also look at all the Court cases - I also hear he screwed one of his top trainers who was buying the company and sold it to the guy's investor Richard Tan and lawyer Adam Markel a trainer with the company. The guy got a decent settlement apparently. I did a background check on Markel and there are several malpractice suits and some questionable real estate investments. Just be careful. Take the MMI info and work it. Keep your credit card at home.
Is it better to get the VIP or Premium with the extra's they give front & center seats or to just get the free tickets. Because I want to go but I don't want to sit in nose bleed seats if that is the case. What is your opinion to those that went? Thanks in advance!
You guys are not just Sirius you attended and the seminars and it did not work for you does not mean that he is a scam am from Nigeria western Africa I can tell you I"ve not attended his seminars for once but I only read his books secrets of the millionaire mind his principles has skyrocketed me
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Contact Mr Pedro on / Whatsapp text: +1 863 231 0632 for loans.
All the best!
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